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Agriculture & Food
Feeds, Supplements & Seeds
118 results for
Poultry Feeds, Supplements & Seeds
in Kenya
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All Kenya
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Poultry Feeds, Supplements & Seeds in Kenya
KSh 500
Azolla and Duckweed
Azolla feed supplement and black soldier fly larva is a good alternative for poultry and fish.
KSh 1,450
Kerol Disinfectant 1litre
KEROL DISINFECTANT is a powerful disinfectant for farm and home, its usually used to disinfectant...
KSh 1,000
Azolla Chicken Feed
Azolla is an ideal sustainable feed for cattle, fish, pigs, and poultry. Apart from this, it's also...
Bulk prices
KSh 5,400
Kerol Disinfectant 5litre
Kerol disinfectant is a powerful disinfectant for farm and home, its usually used to disinfectant...
KSh 700
Azolla Seeds
Azolla Seeds for your poultry, pigs , cattle , fish and fertilizer.
KSh 850
Mechanic Draft Rodent RAT TRAP ( 30cm Length, 15cm W,15cm H)
Permanent solution for control of rodents such as squirrel , rat and mice if you don't wish to kill...
KSh 500
Poultry Microbes Molaplus Microbes - 1 Litre
Poultry microbes Benefits • No feed wastage • Faster growth • More meat • Enhanced profits •...
KSh 1,450
Rovabio Enzyme 1 Kg
Rovabio is a range of enzyme solutions that improves the digestibility of feedstuffs from vegetal...
KSh 3,400
Oat Seeds Available 10 KGS
OATS SEEDS high-quality oats seeds to boost your livestock's health and enhance your livestock...
KSh 200
Chicken Double Nipples
Ksh200 Medilink Vet Supplies is proud to offer a fantastic range of high-quality poultry drinkers...
KSh 4,500
Poultry Microbes 20ltrs
Poultry Microbes* Poultry Microbes is an organic solution of beneficial micro- organisms that boosts...
KSh 2,500
Snake Repellent Cuttings.
Snake repellent tree cuttings! This is a tree/shrub of its kind solanecio manii or snake plant as it...
KSh 150
Poultry Dust
100g-ksh150 200g-ksh220 400g-ksh300 Effective against poultry soft ticks, feather mites, stick tight...
KSh 9,500
Ochonga Packed in 70kg Gunia for Livestock Feeding
OCHONG'A are those small reddish shrimps (very tiny) sold where omena are sold used to formulated...
KSh 85
Australian Red Napier Grass Cuttings - Per Piece
About Red Napier: Red Napier is a multi-cut hybrid green fodder grass that can be used for animals...
KSh 95
Fish Meal For Animal Feeds
Fish meal, coarsely ground powder made from the cooked flesh of fish. Though formerly important as a...
KSh 2,000
Ecobiol for Animal Feeds
Ecobiol is a gut flora stabilizer containing Bacillus amyloliquefaciens CECT 5940 that supports the...
KSh 550
Kerol Disinfectant Fluid 250ml
Kerol disinfectant fluid is a powerful general purpose disinfectant for farm and home use direction...
KSh 650
Dicalcium Phosphate(DCP) 1kg
DCP is a livestock dietary supplement used to combat Calcium and/or Phosphorous related deficiencies...
KSh 450
Azolla Animal Feed and Seeds
Azolla is a fast-growing aquatic fern widely used for various purposes in agriculture, aquaculture,...
Bulk prices
1 - 20 of 118 results
Poultry Fertilizers
Poultry Feeds, Supplements & Seeds FAQs
🍀 Which ones are actual in 2025?
Rovabio Enzyme 1 Kg
Australian Red Napier Grass Cuttings - Per Piece
Kerol Disinfectant 1litre
💎 Which ones belong to the premium segment?
Poultry Microbes 20ltrs
Kerol Disinfectant 5litre
Ochonga Packed in 70kg Gunia for Livestock Feeding
💰 Which ones are the cheapest?
Australian Red Napier Grass Cuttings - Per Piece
Fish Meal For Animal Feeds
Poultry Dust