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Nairobi, Kitisuru, 04/02

A-Level,ADD Maths, IB Maths Tutor

Private Tutor
Part-Time Worker
Employment Type
At Home
Education Place
Level of Education
more than 5 years
Work Experience
For a candidate to do well in exam, revision is key.Revision with an examiner gives a student an advantage. Am an IB maths examiner. I have marked math HL and SL P1&P2.I have moderated candidates internal assessment work at both levels.Currently I moderate exploration work. I examine Math AA and IA P2 at HL level. I have taught in international schools offering american maths,1a,1,2a,2,3a and 3. Am versed with advanced placement program having tutored,algebra,precalculus,trigonometry, calculus,Statistics among others. I have taught IGCSE,Edexcel and GCE. Am an expert of pure and applied maths at A level and a script examiner of CIE Pure Mathematics since 2017.I hold a bachelor degree in maths and a masters one in statistics. Am a trained counselor in students behavior and exams psychology, With such exposure and training, I believe I can offer the best. Services are home based or online.I charge on hourly bases, with a session of two hours minimum. If interested please call.
A-Level,ADD Maths, IB Maths TutorA-Level,ADD Maths, IB Maths Tutor
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