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Nyeri, Mathira

Comprehensive Home-Based Physical Examinations for Newborns

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Looking for a convenient and comprehensive way to ensure the health and well-being of your newborn? Our clinic offers head-to-toe physical examinations for newborns in the comfort and privacy of your own home. Our licensed healthcare professionals are equipped with the necessary medical equipment and follow strict hygiene protocols to ensure yourderstands the importance of early detection and prevention of potential health concerns in newborns. Our physical examinations include a thorough assessment of the newborn's growth and development, including weight and length measurements, a head-to-toe examination, and screening for common newborn health concerns such as jaundice and hearing screening. We also provide comprehensive guidance and education for parents on newborn care and development.
KSh 2,500 per service
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  • Check Feedback to make sure the person is reliable
  • Agree on the scope of work and remuneration
  • Meet in person at a safe public place