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  5. 5 Bedrooms Townhouse for sale
Nairobi, Lavington, Muthangari, 1 hour ago

5bdrm Townhouse/Terrace in Lavington Green, Muthangari for Sale

5 bedrooms
5 bathrooms
Property Address
Lavington Green Estate
Estate Name
Property Size
24-hour Electricity, Air Conditioning, Balcony, Chandelier, Dining Area, Dishwasher, En Suite, Hot Water, Kitchen Cabinets, Kitchen Shelf, Microwave, Pop Ceiling, Pre-Paid Meter, Refrigerator, Sectionals, Tiled Floor, TV, Wardrobe, Wi-Fi
Parking Space
A modern stylish brand new 5 bedroom town house located in the leafy secure area of Lavinton features : all ensuite in gated community. A large kitchen with modern facilities a study room tv room. Perfectly naturally well lit rooms well-manicured garden the house also has a guest wing with dsq. Cctv, electric fencing, 24 hr manned gate, security backup and panic and alarm systems, full backup generator, cabro paved internal road and street lighting, irrigation system solar panels. Large kitchen fitted with high and low cabinets. All bedrooms en suite 2 parking spaces 1 guest bedroom downstairs un-security approved party area and kids play area. This property is elegant and beautiful; specifically designed to provide a luxurious ambiance and comfort to tenants. This property is within a short distance from essential business and recreational facilities. 65m
5bdrm Townhouse/Terrace in Lavington Green, Muthangari for Sale5bdrm Townhouse/Terrace in Lavington Green, Muthangari for Sale5bdrm Townhouse/Terrace in Lavington Green, Muthangari for Sale5bdrm Townhouse/Terrace in Lavington Green, Muthangari for Sale5bdrm Townhouse/Terrace in Lavington Green, Muthangari for Sale5bdrm Townhouse/Terrace in Lavington Green, Muthangari for Sale5bdrm Townhouse/Terrace in Lavington Green, Muthangari for Sale5bdrm Townhouse/Terrace in Lavington Green, Muthangari for Sale
KSh 65,000,000
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