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  5. Sports Medals
Nairobi, Nairobi Central, 2 hours ago

Sports Medals

1-2 days
KSh 200 - 1,000
Store address
Nairobi • Nairobi Central
Platinum Plaza B18,Tom Mboya Street
Closed now
• Mon - Sat, 08:00-20:00
We stock a wide variety of sports medals and trophies. visit our shop at magic business center, at the junction of mfangano street and ronald ngala street, 1st floor shop f25. follow us on facebook
Sports Medals
KSh 500
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  • Avoid paying in advance, even for delivery
  • Meet with the seller at a safe public place
  • Inspect the item and ensure it's exactly what you want
  • Make sure that the packed item is the one you've inspected
  • Only pay if you're satisfied