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Nairobi, Nairobi Central, 09/02

Washing Machine Cleaning Tablets-12pcs

Cleaning Tools
Brand New
Store address
Nairobi • Nairobi Central
Braidwood house, tom mboya street(opposite firestation)
Closed now
• Mon - Sun, 09:00-18:00
With the first time to use, it is recommended to use 2-4 tablets, the effect is better, recommended to use once a month, use 1-2 tablets each time 2.Control water temperature : need to soak and run the washing , the higher the water temperature, The better the effect is best let the solid washing machine cleaner to soak for more than 3 hours, the longer the soak time, the better 4.Cleaning tips: In order to avoid the idling of the washing machine, you can put a few rags in the washing machine to allow dirt to adsorb on the rag, then remove the rag and rinse with water Notice: 1.The effervescent tablet for washing machine can not be used to wash clothes, it will cause the clothes to fade 2.Washing machine cleaner can not be mixed with other chemicals or detergents 3.As for a cool and dry place, 4.This product is not edible
Washing Machine Cleaning Tablets-12pcsWashing Machine Cleaning Tablets-12pcsWashing Machine Cleaning Tablets-12pcsWashing Machine Cleaning Tablets-12pcsWashing Machine Cleaning Tablets-12pcsWashing Machine Cleaning Tablets-12pcs
KSh 1,200
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