2,4D-Max 72 (2, 4 D Amine salt 720g/L) is a selective post emergence herbicide for control of broad leaf weeds in Maize, Wheat, Rice and Lawns. Should be applied 2-4 days after
planting or any time after 2 leaf stage and before the crop attains 30cm height. Rice: Apply about 4-7 weeks after germination or 3 weeks after transplanting. Wheat: Apply
at 5-6 leaf stage but before piping. Lawns: Once the grass is well grown, apply any time the broadleaf weeds are noticed.
Application Dose: 1.5-2ltr/ha/150L - 200l of water, 150ml-200ml/20L
Available Packs: 500ml @ ksh 500 & 1L @ ksh 900