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Nairobi, Nairobi Central, 2 hours ago

Quick Fast Hair Growth Oil

African Pride
Hair Growth
Store address
Nairobi • Nairobi Central
Kimanthi Street
Jamia Mosque
Closed now
• Mon - Sun, 07:00-23:00
100% NATURAL INGREDIENTS】 Hair Growth Oil using Ginger King, OLIVE OIL ROSMARINUS as a raw material, they can promote the healthy development of hair and scalp, and the hair becomes dense and supple 【AFCARE Hair Regrowth Oil】 This Hair Essential Oil supports the strengthening of the hair root and can make the blood flow of the scalp. Make perfectly smooth hair. And easy to manage and healthy-looking. 【Hair Grown】 Encourages healthier hair growth, good for stopping thinning hair and treating alopecia, make it grow faster and thicker. 【Hair Repair】 Hair Serum helps repair damaged hair's surface, lock in moisture & shine and control frizz. Repairs, softens and strengthens dry, brittle, frizzy and damaged hair
Quick Fast Hair Growth Oil
KSh 1,900

KSh 1,500

≥ 2 pieces
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