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Nairobi, Nairobi Central, 3 hours ago

Chips Fryers Jikos Charcoal/Firewood

Brand New
Chips fryers jikos charcoal & firewood mostly used for frying snacks chips sausages doughnuts mandazis using charcoal or firewood they're very efficient and also easy to handle if interested please contact me thru Payment on delivery
Chips Fryers Jikos Charcoal/FirewoodChips Fryers Jikos Charcoal/FirewoodChips Fryers Jikos Charcoal/FirewoodChips Fryers Jikos Charcoal/FirewoodChips Fryers Jikos Charcoal/FirewoodChips Fryers Jikos Charcoal/FirewoodChips Fryers Jikos Charcoal/FirewoodChips Fryers Jikos Charcoal/Firewood
KSh 6,000
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