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Nairobi, Nairobi Central, 49 min ago

Bluetooth Hoverboard 6.5"

Brand New
Best All Terrain Off Road Hoverboard – Design for all terrain – large shock absorbent solid rubber tires to conquer obstacles; IP54 Certified water resistant. Bright front LED headlights to illuminate the ground Bluetooth enabled with built-in speakers for music streaming UL/UK Compliant safety cut off Certified Charger included Perfected 8.5-inch wheels for all surface riding & long life durable tyres Electro Flash smart front LED’s 2 x powerful ultrasonic German Silent dynamic 350w motors Suitable for Ages 6 + SUV Hoverboard and Sturdy Structure – The body is made of 90% Aluminum board with some ABS parts, strong and flexible, specially for all terrain. High Quality 5.0 Pro Bluetooth Speaker – Pro Bluetooth speaker, via by your smart phone, ride with your favorite music
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