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  4. Whey Protein
  5. Chocolate Whey Protein
Nairobi, Nairobi Central, 42 min ago

Dry Weight Loss Management Coffee

American Health
Fat Acids
Age Group
Paper Box
Tasty – black latte contains coffee, coconut extract and chocolate flavour, which gives your coffee a delicious taste that you will enjoy drinking! perfect combination of ingredients – black latte is based on whey, activated charcoal and l-carnitine. full feeling – black latte has whey protein, which gives you a full feeling and satisfies you until the next meal. feel beuatiful and sexy in your skin – black latte will give you the diet support you need, so your process of losing weight will be speeded and continued. go give it a try and see it yourself! call
Dry Weight Loss Management Coffee
KSh 6,500
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