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Nairobi, Nairobi Central, 2 hours ago

New Medical Knitted Elastic Knee Support Compression Sleeve

Store address
Nairobi • Nairobi Central
Taveta Rd
STRESS RELIEF: High quality support, non-slip design, maximum comfort and support for daily activities and sports, including running, skiing, golf, football, basketball, football, hiking. Ergonomics: the open jaw design helps relieve stress and ensures stable Tibia tracking. Protection: May help relieve arthritis, joint pain and help restore meniscus cracks, ACL, humeral injuries and knee runners. Reduce stress and tension and provide stability for knee damage and injuries Improved fit with comfort: Adjustable length protects knees according to your personal needs. Attach with non-slip fabric to keep it in place and do not scrub. Order Online from Toppline Kenya and have it delivered right at your doorstep.
KSh 1,199
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