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  5. Mitsubishi Gearbox
Nairobi, Ngara, 1 hour ago

P3 Gearbox 2wd

Engine & Drivetrain
Engine & Transmission Assemblies
Engine and Drivetrain
Store address
Nairobi • Nairobi Central
Amwari, Kenya
Are you looking for spare parts for your car? Look no more, Vibrant Auto Spares is here for you. We are direct importers of Toyota, Nissan, Honda, Suzuki, Subaru and Mitsubishi parts. We are located along Kirinyaga Road Seventies Plaza Shop LG10. Reach us through
KSh 35,000
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  • Avoid sending any prepayments
  • Meet with the seller at a safe public place
  • Inspect what you're going to buy to make sure it's what you need
  • Check all the docs and only pay if you're satisfied