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Meru, Nkuene

Agricultural Consultancy

Company Name
Soil Enrichment
Type of Service
Commercial, Residential
Service Area
Free Consult
more than 5 years
Work Experience
Soil Testing and Analysis: Offer soil testing services to assess nutrient levels, pH, organic matter content, and other soil properties. Provide comprehensive soil analysis reports with recommendations for soil amendments and management practices based on test results. Nutrient Management: Develop customized nutrient management plans tailored to crops. Provide organic matter amendments, such as compost, manure, biochar, and green manure, to improve soil structure, water retention, and nutrient cycling. pH Adjustment: Offer pH testing and lime application services to adjust soil pH levels for optimal nutrient availability and crop growth. Provide Soil Remediation and Rehabilitation: Assess and remediate degraded or contaminated soils through soil rehabilitation techniques, such as phytoremediation, soil aeration, and bioaugmentation.
KSh 20,000 per service
Safety tips
  • Check Feedback to make sure the person is reliable
  • Agree on the scope of work and remuneration
  • Meet in person at a safe public place