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  5. Strawberry Seedlings
Kiambu, Thika, 7 hours ago

White Dragon Fruits Seedlings

Fruit Seeds
Fruit Seeds
Wambu farm sell quality rooted dragon fruit seedlings... Discount given for large quantities. We also have the following seedlings among others: fruits seedlings: hass avocado, strawberry, washington navel orange, pixie orange, tangerine, mango, permogranate, macadamia, tree tomato, pawpaw, rose apple, cherry guava, brazallian cherry grapes, apple, purple passion, sweet yellow passion, sweet passion, kiwi, blueberry etc, herbal seedlings: lemon grass, hibiscuss, mints, lemon balm, marjoram, oregano, rosemary . mints: tropical, chocolate, lemon balm, apple, orange , pundina, pepper,spear,corsican orange thyme, lavender fence hedge plants: barleria, duranta . ornamental & shade trees and flowers: araucharia, italian cypress, lemon cypress, thika palm, palm trees (various), eugenia etc. we are located in near thika town.
White Dragon Fruits Seedlings White Dragon Fruits Seedlings White Dragon Fruits Seedlings
KSh 200
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