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Nairobi, Nairobi Central, 10 hours ago

BG-2F Battery Grip for Nikon D3100 / D3200 / D3300

Photo & Video Accessories
Across country
1-2 days
KSh 50 - 350
Store address
Nairobi • Nairobi Central
Moi Avenue, Giant Mark Shopping mall, 1st floor, S2
Opposite Veteran house
Closed now
• Mon - Sat, 09:00-19:00
Up for trabs is thia BG-2F Battery Grip for Nikon D3100 / D3200 / D3300. Power your camera with 2 batteries at a go and shoot twice the time of a regular battery. We are at Moi Avenue Nairobi, Giant Mark Shopping Mall, 1st floor, S2 (opp Veteran house)
BG-2F Battery Grip for Nikon D3100 / D3200 / D3300 BG-2F Battery Grip for Nikon D3100 / D3200 / D3300 BG-2F Battery Grip for Nikon D3100 / D3200 / D3300 BG-2F Battery Grip for Nikon D3100 / D3200 / D3300
KSh 4,900
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