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Nairobi, Nairobi Central, 1 hour ago

St. Ives Hydrating Vitamin E and Avocado Body Lotion

Body Lotions
Store address
Nairobi • Nairobi Central
Benjoe House, Tsavo Road, Nairobi CBD
Open now
• Mon, Sat, 07:00-19:00
Drench your skin in nutrient-rich hydration. with the antioxidant vitamin e and 100% naturally sourced moisturizers like vegetable glycerin and soybean oil, this formula provides immediate moisture, while helping to defend against future dry skin. avocado oil is known to be rich in natural, skin-protecting vitamins a, e and f, as well as high levels of fatty acids, which can work wonders for moisture-deprived skin. centuries of soothed, balanced hydrated skin also help to reinforce how beautifully effective shea butter can be.
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