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  4. Roofing Materials
  5. Aluminium Roofing Materials
Nairobi, Industrial Area Nairobi, 2 hours ago

2mm Roof Insulation 50m by 1.2m

Roofing Materials
Roofing Material
Roof Thickness
Panel Length
Panel Width
Nairobi • Industrial Area Nairobi
1 day
KSh 1
Store address
Nairobi • Industrial Area Nairobi
Nairobi Industrial Area Likoni Road opposite house of manji next to kcb Bank.
Open now
• Mon - Sun, 07:00-18:00
Uses - Residential homes - Clay Tile Roof - Decra Roof - mambati -gypsum/ pvc ceiling Working Principle; The Heat is an energy, transmits in three ways, conduction, convection, radiation. Through the high temperature to low temperature transfer, and ultimately achieve the dynamic balance of average temperature Conduction: Air is a poor conductor of heat conduction . The air layer is the best material of anti-heat conductive. Such as snow suits , blankets , etc . all use air layer Convection: Occurs in the material, like liquid, gas. Therefore, codings need to be installed on the high palce , andheating need to be put on the ground( lower ), Its principle is using of thermal convection transmission , to achieve uniform temperature as soon as possible Radiation: The suns radiation do not tansmit to the Earth through any substance. Aluminurcan reflect 97%of radiant heat( Emission Rate E = 0 . 03 ) , Aluminium foil insulation material is the best ideal to the anti-heat radiant.
KSh 10,000
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