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Every day, you're changing the way health care is delivered. You're on the front lines of patient care, assisting patients over the phone or in person. Nurses play a critical role in the health and well-being of their communities, from performing and interpreting diagnostic tests to giving one-on-one instruction to patients.
While most jobs will require you to fill out an application form, it's also a good idea to develop a CV to keep in your portfolio and display to potential employers or contacts.
When looking for positions in the private sector, there may not be a formal application process, therefore having a strong CV is even more important.
CVs that are successful are rational, engaging, and concise. Most importantly, they're targeted to the people reading them, so make sure you tailor yours to the position you're looking for and include relevant keywords.
4–6 bullet points of your most important talents and/or accomplishments This could include your clinical abilities, competencies, interpersonal skills, remarkable accomplishments, credentials, or experience.
Always think about what would be most relevant, most impressive, or most valuable to your future employer while writing this part.
Examining the applicable job advertisement, job description, person specification, and company values will provide you with crucial information about the employer's requirements.
Include a part like this since you're effectively using it to capture the employer's attention early on, stressing the qualities that will be most appealing to them, and therefore making yourself look like the best match.
Detail your career history, beginning with the most recent, including job title, employer name, and pertinent dates.
You can then use bullet points to highlight your roles, responsibilities, skills, expertise, and accomplishments for each. (If you are stuck, go back over your past job descriptions or check the internet for similar job descriptions, such as the NHS employment website.)
It's impossible to mention all of your activities and obligations for each position, so prioritize the ones that are most important, useful, or outstanding.
Every time you write a CV for a new job, you should be prepared to alter this section to make yourself look like the best match possible. You don't have to list every job you've ever hate.
As a general rule, you should strive to cover the last ten years, but this will depend on your particular preferences and circumstances, so use your discretion.
List your qualifications, beginning with the most recent, including dates, educational institute or awarding organization, and grades if relevant.
If you completed a lesser-known or overseas qualification, you might want to explain what it entailed briefly or provide an equivalent qualification in brackets for comparison.
If you're a nurse with a lot of experience, you don't have to provide all of your educational credentials if you're short on space.
You can keep track of your training, short courses, workshops, or study days here, as well as publications you've written, volunteer work, and membership in professional organizations or networks.
You do not need to list everything. Prioritize the most recent and relevant information. If necessary, you can summarize to save space. "Have attended over 20 study days in areas such as catheter care, venepuncture, IV therapy, and so on pbefore2014," for example.
You'll get a document that's carefully written, promotes your main competencies and talents in a way that piques hiring managers' interest and distinguishes you as a top-tier candidate, and is formatted in the professional resume format.
You won't have to figure out how to add a column or a border, for example, because the layout you select will already include these features.
The ability to mix and match resume elements implies that the final output can be personalized rather than being limited to a specific format.
Your CV allows you to make a lasting first impression on recruiters by demonstrating your competencies and employment experiences over time. It's the tool you'll need to land your dream job.
That is why Jiji has simplified the process for you. All you have to do now is go to Jiji and look for a vendor selling Healthcare & Nursing CVs.