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Frequently Asked Questions

How to leave feedback about the seller?

The feature of leaving feedback becomes available if you have had any interaction with the seller. After you made or didn't make a deal, share your experience by following the instruction below:

  1. Click on the button "Leave feedback". You can find it on the ad page or on the seller's profile:
  1. Rate your experience. Select one of the smileys to specify how satisfied you are with the experience you had:
  1. Provide detailed feedback about the seller. For example, tell more about how your communication went: were you treated nicely or left with a bad feeling? Ensure you also specify if you're satisfied with the product and how the delivery went:
  1. Click on "Send feedback":

We review all feedback to ensure they're relevant and in line with our rules. It'll become available online and visible to all Jiji users as soon as it passes review.

Thanks for every feedback you leave! You help us build the safest place for making all kinds of deals 💚